"For the past couple years, my joints hurt too much to do fun things with my kids. Now I feel like I'm in a whole new space suit! I got to fully enjoy my kids & be a wholehearted yes to fun! That means so much as a mom."
- Brooke S
“The opportunity & benefits at MxD literally have changed my life, and in a way I know will stick. My result has been vast gains in my physical stature and strength, significant weight loss & toning, and better movement with a healthy mental outlook and self-confidence. This leads to better decision making & an overall healthier, happier living.”
- Jack W
"Holy shit, dude. I got the best night sleep in so long last night. My whole body feels so much more fluid despite the soreness, haha, thank you for holding space for me and getting the body moving again. I really appreciate you, Julia."
- Megan

"I remember when I started here at MxD. I was so exhausted and full of anxiety. This place is seriously a life line! I felt like I was crawling through the door, but then I was able to stand, and eventually I could walk."
- Hali L
"My back had such a big S shape when I first started sessions. I'm only a few months in with Julia and my fiance has already commented that I look and move differently!
- Sophia M
"Thank you SO MUCH for all you've done for me while pregnant and before. My body wouldn't have weathered this pregnancy the same without you. So thank you!!!!" Baby Update: "2 hour labor. She flew out - must be all that FP alignment!"
-Lauren F
"My lower back usually feels sore after a long walk. Today, I hiked for an hour without any pain for the first time in a long time!
- Jessie

Just built a new fence. The amazing deal is that this was hard work digging holes, mixing cement, cutting and shaping lumber, and a lot of kneeling and bending. I worked it from before 8am to 3pm and was tired, but ZERO shoulder, hand, back, knee, or any other aches, pains, or restrictions like I had when I was on my prior exercise routines for years and years. I can't thank you enough! I feel great!
- Gordon M
"Yesterday after my training session was the first day that I didn't require a nap in the middle of the day which is part of my anxiety as it feels like it puts my whole day behind. I'm pleasantly sore & truly grateful for the efforts of my practitioner, their patience, and motivation!
- Melanie D
Through his skillful & thoughtful teaching style, Jon breaks down body mechanics so that they make sense. Once you understand the basic rules of contralateral reciprocation, lateral lines, & spiraling, you wouldn't consider moving in any other way."
- John R